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//! Fuzzy testing.
//! Tries to discover panics with random bytes.
//! This test is expensive and therefore marked with `#[ignore]`. To run this test, use `cargo test -- --ignored`.
use std::panic::{catch_unwind};
use rand::rngs::{StdRng};
use rand::{Rng};
extern crate exr;
use exr::prelude::*;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Write, Cursor};
use exr::image::read::read_first_rgba_layer_from_file;
use exr::image::pixel_vec::PixelVec;
fn exr_files(path: &'static str, filter: bool) -> impl Iterator<Item=PathBuf> {
.filter(|entry| entry.path().is_file())
.filter(move |entry| !filter || entry.path().extension() == Some(OsStr::new("exr")))
/// Just don't panic.
pub fn fuzzed(){
for ref file in exr_files("tests/images/fuzzed", false) {
let _ = read().no_deep_data().largest_resolution_level().all_channels()
let _ = read().no_deep_data().all_resolution_levels().all_channels()
/// Require an error but no panic.
pub fn damaged(){
let mut passed = true;
for ref file in exr_files("tests/images/invalid", false) {
let result = catch_unwind(move || {
let _meta_data = MetaData::read_from_file(file, false)?;
let _minimal = read().no_deep_data()
|_size, _channels| (),
|_: &mut (), _position: Vec2<usize>, _pixel: (Sample, Sample, Sample, Sample)| {}
let _minimal = read().no_deep_data()
.largest_resolution_level() // TODO all levels
|_size, _channels| (),
|_: &mut (), _position: Vec2<usize>, _pixel: (Sample, Sample, Sample, Sample)| {}
let _rgba = read_first_rgba_layer_from_file(
PixelVec::<(Sample, Sample, Sample, Sample)>::constructor,
let _full = read_all_data_from_file(file)?;
// this should not panic, only err:
passed = passed && match result {
Ok(Err(Error::Invalid(message))) => {
println!("✓ Recognized as invalid ({}): {:?}", message, file);
Ok(Err(Error::NotSupported(message))) => {
println!("- Unsupported ({}): {:?}", message, file);
Ok(Err(Error::Io(error))) => {
println!("✗ Unexpected IO Error: {:?}, {:?}", file, error);
Err(_) => {
println!("✗ Not recognized as invalid: {:?}", file);
Ok(Ok(_)) => {
let meta_data = MetaData::read_from_file(file, true);
if let Err(error) = meta_data {
println!("✓ Recognized as invalid when pedantic ({}): {:?}", error, file);
else {
println!("✗ Oh no, there is nothing wrong with: {:#?}", file);
_ => unreachable!(),
assert!(passed, "A damaged file was not handled correctly");
pub fn fuzz(){
println!("started fuzzing");
let files: Vec<PathBuf> = exr_files("tests/images", true).collect();
let seed = [92,1,0,130,211,8,21,70,74,4,9,5,0,23,0,3,20,25,6,5,229,30,0,34,218,0,40,7,5,2,7,0,];
let mut random: StdRng = rand::SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
let mut records = File::create("tests/images/fuzzed/list.txt").unwrap();
records.write_all(format!("seed = {:?}", seed).as_bytes()).unwrap();
let start_index = 0; // default is 0. increase this integer for debugging a specific fuzz case
for fuzz_index in 0 .. 1024_u64 * 2048 * 4 {
let file_1_name = &files[random.gen_range(0 .. files.len())];
let mutation_point = random.gen::<f32>().powi(3);
let mutation = random.gen::<u8>();
if fuzz_index >= start_index {
let mut file = std::fs::read(file_1_name).unwrap();
let index = ((mutation_point * file.len() as f32) as usize + 4) % file.len();
file[index] = mutation;
let file = file.as_slice();
let result = catch_unwind(move || {
let read_all_data = read().no_deep_data()
match read_all_data.from_buffered(Cursor::new(file)) {
Err(Error::Invalid(error)) => println!("✓ No Panic. [{}]: Invalid: {}.", fuzz_index, error),
Err(Error::NotSupported(error)) => println!("- No Panic. [{}]: Unsupported: {}.", fuzz_index, error),
_ => {},
if let Err(_) = result {
let seed = seed.iter().map(|num| num.to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>().join("-");
let mut saved = File::create(format!("tests/images/fuzzed/fuzz_{}_{}.exr", fuzz_index, seed)).unwrap();
println!("✗ PANIC! [{}]", fuzz_index);