# Version 0.9.17 - Remove dependency on `memoffset`. (#1058) # Version 0.9.16 - Bump the minimum supported Rust version to 1.61. (#1037) - Improve support for targets without atomic CAS. (#1037) - Remove build script. (#1037) - Remove dependency on `scopeguard`. (#1045) - Update `loom` dependency to 0.7. # Version 0.9.15 - Update `memoffset` to 0.9. (#981) # Version 0.9.14 - Update `memoffset` to 0.8. (#955) # Version 0.9.13 - Fix build script bug introduced in 0.9.12. (#932) # Version 0.9.12 **Note:** This release has been yanked due to regression fixed in 0.9.13. - Update `memoffset` to 0.7. (#926) - Improve support for custom targets. (#922) # Version 0.9.11 - Removes the dependency on the `once_cell` crate to restore the MSRV. (#913) - Work around [rust-lang#98302](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/98302), which causes compile error on windows-gnu when LTO is enabled. (#913) # Version 0.9.10 - Bump the minimum supported Rust version to 1.38. (#877) - Mitigate the risk of segmentation faults in buggy downstream implementations. (#879) - Add `{Atomic, Shared}::try_into_owned` (#701) # Version 0.9.9 - Replace lazy_static with once_cell. (#817) # Version 0.9.8 - Make `Atomic::null()` const function at 1.61+. (#797) # Version 0.9.7 - Fix Miri error when `-Zmiri-check-number-validity` is enabled. (#779) # Version 0.9.6 - Add `Atomic::fetch_update`. (#706) # Version 0.9.5 - Fix UB in `Pointable` impl of `[MaybeUninit]`. (#694) - Support targets that do not have atomic CAS on stable Rust. (#698) - Fix breakage with nightly feature due to rust-lang/rust#84510. (#692) # Version 0.9.4 **Note**: This release has been yanked. See [#693](https://github.com/crossbeam-rs/crossbeam/issues/693) for details. - Fix UB in `<[MaybeUninit] as Pointable>::init` when global allocator failed allocation. (#690) - Bump `loom` dependency to version 0.5. (#686) # Version 0.9.3 **Note**: This release has been yanked. See [#693](https://github.com/crossbeam-rs/crossbeam/issues/693) for details. - Make `loom` dependency optional. (#666) # Version 0.9.2 **Note**: This release has been yanked. See [#693](https://github.com/crossbeam-rs/crossbeam/issues/693) for details. - Add `Atomic::compare_exchange` and `Atomic::compare_exchange_weak`. (#628) - Deprecate `Atomic::compare_and_set` and `Atomic::compare_and_set_weak`. Use `Atomic::compare_exchange` or `Atomic::compare_exchange_weak` instead. (#628) - Make `const_fn` dependency optional. (#611) - Add unstable support for `loom`. (#487) # Version 0.9.1 **Note**: This release has been yanked. See [#693](https://github.com/crossbeam-rs/crossbeam/issues/693) for details. - Bump `memoffset` dependency to version 0.6. (#592) # Version 0.9.0 **Note**: This release has been yanked. See [#693](https://github.com/crossbeam-rs/crossbeam/issues/693) for details. - Bump the minimum supported Rust version to 1.36. - Support dynamically sized types. # Version 0.8.2 - Fix bug in release (yanking 0.8.1) # Version 0.8.1 - Bump `autocfg` dependency to version 1.0. (#460) - Reduce stall in list iteration. (#376) - Stop stealing from the same deque. (#448) - Fix unsoundness issues by adopting `MaybeUninit`. (#458) - Fix use-after-free in lock-free queue. (#466) # Version 0.8.0 - Bump the minimum required version to 1.28. - Fix breakage with nightly feature due to rust-lang/rust#65214. - Make `Atomic::null()` const function at 1.31+. - Bump `crossbeam-utils` to `0.7`. # Version 0.7.2 - Add `Atomic::into_owned()`. - Update `memoffset` dependency. # Version 0.7.1 - Add `Shared::deref_mut()`. - Add a Treiber stack to examples. # Version 0.7.0 - Remove `Guard::clone()`. - Bump dependencies. # Version 0.6.1 - Update `crossbeam-utils` to `0.6`. # Version 0.6.0 - `defer` now requires `F: Send + 'static`. - Bump the minimum Rust version to 1.26. - Pinning while TLS is tearing down does not fail anymore. - Rename `Handle` to `LocalHandle`. - Add `defer_unchecked` and `defer_destroy`. - Remove `Clone` impl for `LocalHandle`. # Version 0.5.2 - Update `crossbeam-utils` to `0.5`. # Version 0.5.1 - Fix compatibility with the latest Rust nightly. # Version 0.5.0 - Update `crossbeam-utils` to `0.4`. - Specify the minimum Rust version to `1.25.0`. # Version 0.4.3 - Downgrade `crossbeam-utils` to `0.3` because it was a breaking change. # Version 0.4.2 - Expose the `Pointer` trait. - Warn missing docs and missing debug impls. - Update `crossbeam-utils` to `0.4`. # Version 0.4.1 - Add `Debug` impls for `Collector`, `Handle`, and `Guard`. - Add `load_consume` to `Atomic`. - Rename `Collector::handle` to `Collector::register`. - Remove the `Send` implementation for `Handle` (this was a bug). Only `Collector`s can be shared among multiple threads, while `Handle`s and `Guard`s must stay within the thread in which they were created. # Version 0.4.0 - Update dependencies. - Remove support for Rust 1.13. # Version 0.3.0 - Add support for Rust 1.13. - Improve documentation for CAS. # Version 0.2.0 - Add method `Owned::into_box`. - Fix a use-after-free bug in `Local::finalize`. - Fix an ordering bug in `Global::push_bag`. - Fix a bug in calculating distance between epochs. - Remove `impl Into> for Owned`. # Version 0.1.0 - First version of the new epoch-based GC.