# spin-rs [![Crates.io version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/spin.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/spin) [![docs.rs](https://docs.rs/spin/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/spin/) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mvdnes/spin-rs.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/mvdnes/spin-rs) Spin-based synchronization primitives. This crate provides [spin-based](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinlock) versions of the primitives in `std::sync`. Because synchronization is done through spinning, the primitives are suitable for use in `no_std` environments. Before deciding to use `spin`, we recommend reading [this superb blog post](https://matklad.github.io/2020/01/02/spinlocks-considered-harmful.html) by [@matklad](https://github.com/matklad/) that discusses the pros and cons of spinlocks. If you have access to `std`, it's likely that the primitives in `std::sync` will serve you better except in very specific circumstances. ## Features - `Mutex`, `RwLock`, `Once`, `Lazy` and `Barrier` equivalents - Support for `no_std` environments - [`lock_api`](https://crates.io/crates/lock_api) compatibility - Upgradeable `RwLock` guards - Guards can be sent and shared between threads - Guard leaking - Ticket locks - Different strategies for dealing with contention ## Usage Include the following under the `[dependencies]` section in your `Cargo.toml` file. ```toml spin = "x.y" ``` ## Example When calling `lock` on a `Mutex` you will get a guard value that provides access to the data. When this guard is dropped, the mutex will become available again. ```rust extern crate spin; use std::{sync::Arc, thread}; fn main() { let counter = Arc::new(spin::Mutex::new(0)); let thread = thread::spawn({ let counter = counter.clone(); move || { for _ in 0..100 { *counter.lock() += 1; } } }); for _ in 0..100 { *counter.lock() += 1; } thread.join().unwrap(); assert_eq!(*counter.lock(), 200); } ``` ## Feature flags The crate comes with a few feature flags that you may wish to use. - `mutex` enables the `Mutex` type. - `spin_mutex` enables the `SpinMutex` type. - `ticket_mutex` enables the `TicketMutex` type. - `use_ticket_mutex` switches to a ticket lock for the implementation of `Mutex`. This is recommended only on targets for which ordinary spinning locks perform very badly because it will change the implementation used by other crates that depend on `spin`. - `rwlock` enables the `RwLock` type. - `once` enables the `Once` type. - `lazy` enables the `Lazy` type. - `barrier` enables the `Barrier` type. - `lock_api` enables support for [`lock_api`](https://crates.io/crates/lock_api) - `std` enables support for thread yielding instead of spinning. - `portable_atomic` enables usage of the `portable-atomic` crate to support platforms without native atomic operations (Cortex-M0, etc.). The `portable_atomic_unsafe_assume_single_core` cfg or `critical-section` feature of `portable-atomic` crate must also be set by the final binary crate. When using the cfg, this can be done by adapting the following snippet to the `.cargo/config` file: ``` [target.] rustflags = [ "--cfg", "portable_atomic_unsafe_assume_single_core" ] ``` Note that this cfg is unsafe by nature, and enabling it for multicore systems is unsound. When using the `critical-section` feature, you need to implement the critical-section implementation that sound for your system by implementing an unsafe trait. See [the documentation for the `portable-atomic` crate](https://docs.rs/portable-atomic/latest/portable_atomic/#optional-cfg) for more information. ## Remarks It is often desirable to have a lock shared between threads. Wrapping the lock in an `std::sync::Arc` is route through which this might be achieved. Locks provide zero-overhead access to their data when accessed through a mutable reference by using their `get_mut` methods. The behaviour of these lock is similar to their namesakes in `std::sync`. they differ on the following: - Locks will not be poisoned in case of failure. - Threads will not yield to the OS scheduler when encounter a lock that cannot be accessed. Instead, they will 'spin' in a busy loop until the lock becomes available. Many of the feature flags listed above are enabled by default. If you're writing a library, we recommend disabling those that you don't use to avoid increasing compilation time for your crate's users. You can do this like so: ``` [dependencies] spin = { version = "x.y", default-features = false, features = [...] } ``` ## Minimum Safe Rust Version (MSRV) This crate is guaranteed to compile on a Minimum Safe Rust Version (MSRV) of 1.38.0 and above. This version will not be changed without a minor version bump. ## License `spin` is distributed under the MIT License, (See `LICENSE`).